
My husband Max and I have been together for 7 years! We met on the Big Island in Hawaii through a Christian missionary program called 'Youth with a Mission.' Max had dropped hints of his feelings for me throughout our time there, but it wasn’t until our separation for the last 3 months during our mission trip that I reciprocated those feelings. He won me over with sweet notes, always being able to make me laugh, and his love for Lord of the Rings!

After almost 2 years of long distance and too many FaceTime calls to count, we finally got married in the summer of 2019! Fast forward to today, we live in Orange County next to our family and friends, have a fluffy, goofy sheepdog, and one perfect little daughter with another baby on the way. Our family grows more year by year, and it’s the biggest blessing to see how our story unfolds.

This is me! 
Meet who makes my world go round!

The more memories I build and grow with my little family, the more I value the images I get to look back on. Images have a beautiful way of taking us back to those moments and memories that we may have otherwise forgotten. Being young and in love while you share your first place together, getting ready for your wedding day when all the excited nerves are rushing over you, and the cute little baby toes during your family session that you just want to squeeze forever—you want to hold onto all of these moments and more!

Ultimately, my faith drives everything I do. My passion is to serve you with the gifts God has given me and to help create a safe, trusting, and joyful space during the moments we’ll hopefully get to spend together.

Here is my "Why" and where my passion comes from

A sunny day
Dip in the ocean 

truly, it's the simple things that bring me joy

My hope and goal as a wife, momma, and photographer is to be present in the moment. I've had the sweet proposal story, the best and most joyful wedding day, the thrill of entering motherhood, and all the sweet moments in between. I know all too well how fast it all goes. Enjoy the now. Whatever this season looks like to you, let's find those joyful moments!

When I'm not behind the lens, I am with my sweet fam

Starting strong with getting to sleep in and roll out of bed fully rested. Followed by a nice slow morning making a yummy breakfast with my little family and packing the bags for a day by the beach. We would of course wouldn't forget to stop for coffee! After a couple hours in the sun we would  pick up an Acai bowl or Poke bowl for lunch. Drooling just thinking about it. Head home and grill and easy dinner on the patio! Finishing the day off with a movie and cold bowl full of ice cream!! Sounds pretty perfect right?!

What does a dreamy day to me look like?

-I will never say no to dessert
-iced drinks > hot
-fav movie: Dirty dancing 
-baking from scratch or not at all
-sucker for boy bands
-can live off of bread and butter
-spontaneous ocean dips are my love language

A few more fun facts for ya